Jujube Kernel Extract

Jujube Kernel Extract Source: ziziphus jujuba mill. Var. Spinosa (bunge) hu ex h.f.chou Origin of raw materials: China Used part: seed Appearance: brownish red powder Specification: Jujuboside 2% Overview: Jujube kernel is oblate or oblong, 5-9 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, and about 3 mm thick. The surface is purplish red or purplish brown, smooth and shiny, and some have cracks. One side is flat. There is a raised longitudinal line in the center; the other side is slightly raised. One end is sunken, and the linear umbilicus is visible; the other end has a small raised junction. The seed husk is brittle. Its endosperm is white. It has two cotyledons which are yellowish and oily. Its oil content is about 30.8%. It has slight odor. Composition: Youbio Jujube kernel extract contains two triterpenoids: betulinic acid raw material . It also contains Jujub oside. Its aglycon is jujubo genin. The ebelin lactone obtained through hydrolysis is the second-step product ...